
Tips for Living in a High-Rise Apartment

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Living in a high-rise apartment in Malaysia offers unique benefits and challenges. Whether you're new to high-rise living or looking to optimize your experience, this article provides practical tips to help tenants navigate and enjoy life in a vertical community.

1. Maximize Space Efficiency

  • Vertical Storage Solutions: Utilize wall-mounted shelves, hanging organizers, and vertical racks to maximize storage space without cluttering common areas.

  • Multi-Functional Furniture: Opt for furniture pieces that serve dual purposes, such as sofa beds or dining tables with storage compartments, to optimize living space effectively.

2. Embrace Safety Measures

  • Familiarize with Emergency Exits: Know the location of emergency exits, fire extinguishers, and assembly points in case of emergencies.

  • Secure Windows and Balconies: Ensure windows and balconies are securely locked to prevent accidents and enhance safety, especially in high-rise settings.

3. Manage Noise and Privacy

  • Noise Reduction Strategies: Invest in soundproofing curtains or rugs to minimize noise from neighbors or outside traffic, enhancing comfort and privacy.

  • Respect Quiet Hours: Be mindful of noise levels during designated quiet hours to maintain a peaceful living environment for yourself and neighbors.

4. Utilize Common Facilities

  • Gym and Recreation Areas: Take advantage of on-site amenities such as gyms, pools, or communal gardens to stay active and socialize within the building.

  • Shared Spaces: Respect rules for using shared spaces like lounges or meeting rooms, fostering a sense of community while maintaining cleanliness and order.

5. Adapt to Vertical Living Culture

  • Elevator Etiquette: Practice courteous behavior in elevators, such as holding doors for others and respecting capacity limits to ensure smooth and efficient transportation.

  • Building Regulations: Familiarize yourself with building rules and regulations regarding waste disposal, parking, and guest policies to avoid conflicts and ensure compliance.


Living in a high-rise apartment in Malaysia offers a dynamic and convenient lifestyle with access to amenities and community spaces. Exploring high-rise living with zero deposit options offered by BlueDuck allows tenants to enjoy the convenience and amenities of vertical communities without the financial burden of a security deposit. 

Zero deposit options provide flexibility, enabling tenants to allocate resources towards enhancing their living experience and adapting to the unique aspects of high-rise living in Malaysia.

#HighRiseLiving #MalaysiaLiving #ZeroDeposit

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How to Manage Rental Costs as a Student

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Managing rental costs as a student in Malaysia requires careful planning and budgeting to ensure financial stability while pursuing your studies. In this article, we'll discuss practical tips and strategies to help students effectively manage their rental expenses and make informed financial decisions.

1. Set a Realistic Budget

  • Calculate Income and Expenses: Begin by calculating your monthly income from sources such as part-time jobs, allowances, or scholarships. Then, list all essential expenses, including rent, utilities, food, transportation, and academic supplies.

  • Allocate Funds Wisely: Allocate a portion of your income towards rent and prioritize essential expenses. Use budgeting tools or apps to track spending and identify areas where you can save.

2. Find Affordable Rental Options

  • Consider Shared Accommodation: Sharing a rental unit with roommates can significantly reduce costs. Look for reputable platforms or student accommodations that offer shared living arrangements.

  • Explore Off-Campus Housing: Compare rental prices in different areas near your university to find affordable options that fit within your budget.

3. Negotiate Rental Terms

  • Discuss with Landlords: Before signing a lease, discuss rental terms with landlords or property managers. Negotiate factors such as rental rates, lease duration, and included utilities to find a favorable agreement.

  • Understand Additional Costs: Clarify additional costs such as security deposits, maintenance fees, and parking charges to avoid unexpected financial burdens. Use Zero Deposit Program by BlueDuck to save up money.

4. Save on Utilities

  • Practice Energy Efficiency: Reduce utility bills by practicing energy-saving habits, such as turning off lights and appliances when not in use, using fans instead of air conditioning when possible, and washing clothes in cold water.

  • Split Costs with Roommates: If sharing accommodation, discuss sharing utility costs with roommates to evenly distribute expenses.

5. Budget for Maintenance and Emergencies

  • Set Aside Emergency Funds: Build an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses like repairs or medical costs. Aim to save a portion of your income each month to gradually build up this fund.

  • Prioritize Maintenance: Report any maintenance issues promptly to landlords to prevent costly repairs and maintain the condition of your rental unit.

6. Utilize Student Discounts and Benefits

  • Explore Student Offers: Take advantage of discounts and benefits available to students, such as reduced fares on public transportation, student meal plans, or academic discounts on software and subscriptions.

  • Attend Student Events: Participate in student events or activities that offer free or discounted services, such as workshops, career fairs, or campus facilities.


Managing rental costs effectively as a student includes exploring zero deposit options offered by BlueDuck. With zero deposit rentals, students can secure accommodation without tying up a significant amount of money upfront, enabling them to allocate funds towards essentials and savings. 

This financial flexibility is particularly beneficial for students managing their finances independently while pursuing their educational goals.

#StudentLiving #BudgetTips #ZeroDeposit

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Best Practices for Keeping Your Rental Clean and Tidy

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Maintaining a clean and tidy rental not only enhances its appearance but also creates a comfortable and healthy living environment. For tenants in Malaysia, where humid weather can pose cleanliness challenges, adopting effective cleaning practices is essential. In this article, we will explore practical tips and best practices to help tenants keep their rental homes spotless and organized.

1. Establish a Cleaning Schedule

  • Regular Cleaning Routine: Create a weekly cleaning schedule that includes tasks such as vacuuming, dusting, mopping floors, and cleaning bathrooms.

  • Focus on High-Traffic Areas: Pay special attention to areas that receive frequent use, such as kitchens and living rooms, to prevent dirt and grime buildup.

2. Use the Right Cleaning Products

  • Choose Effective Cleaners: Select cleaning products suitable for different surfaces in your rental, such as multipurpose cleaners, disinfectants, and glass cleaners.

  • Consider Eco-Friendly Options: Opt for environmentally friendly cleaning solutions to minimize chemical exposure and promote sustainability.

3. Declutter and Organize Regularly

  • Minimize Clutter: Keep countertops, shelves, and floors clear of unnecessary items to maintain a tidy appearance and make cleaning easier.

  • Utilize Storage Solutions: Use bins, baskets, and storage boxes to organize belongings and prevent clutter accumulation in living spaces.

4. Maintain Kitchen and Bathroom Hygiene

  • Clean Appliances and Fixtures: Regularly clean kitchen appliances, sinks, and bathroom fixtures to prevent grease buildup and mold growth.

  • Dispose of Garbage Properly: Dispose of trash regularly and use sealed bins to prevent odors and pests.

5. Care for Floors and Carpets

  • Vacuum Regularly: Vacuum carpets and rugs at least once a week to remove dirt, dust, and allergens.

  • Spot Clean Spills: Immediately clean spills on floors and carpets to prevent stains and maintain their appearance.

6. Promote Air Circulation and Freshness

  • Open Windows: Allow fresh air to circulate by opening windows regularly, especially in humid climates like Malaysia's.

  • Use Air Fresheners: Use natural air fresheners or plants to enhance indoor air quality and create a pleasant living environment.

7. Address Maintenance Issues Promptly

  • Report Maintenance Needs: Inform your landlord or property manager promptly about any maintenance issues, such as leaks or malfunctioning appliances.

  • Follow Rental Guidelines: Adhere to rental guidelines for maintenance responsibilities, such as changing air filters or testing smoke detectors.


Maintaining a clean and tidy rental requires consistent effort and attention to detail. By establishing a cleaning schedule, using appropriate cleaning products, decluttering regularly, and addressing maintenance issues promptly, tenants can ensure their rental remains a comfortable and inviting place to live. 

With zero deposit options available through BlueDuck, tenants can focus on maintaining their living space without the financial burden of a security deposit. This flexibility allows tenants to invest in keeping their rental pristine while enjoying peace of mind.

#CleanLiving #OrganizedHome #BlueDuckZeroDeposit

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BlueDuck Spreads Its Wings in Luxembourg!

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We are absolutely thrilled and honored to be part of the Catapult SE Asia program in Luxembourg! 🚀✨ Our founder, Earnest Wong, has headed to Luxembourg to showcase our zero deposit solution on an international stage.

A Pivotal Moment for BlueDuck

This journey marks a pivotal moment for us as we redefine fintech innovation and elevate our commitment to making financial solutions more accessible worldwide. Being selected for the Catapult SE Asia program allows us to immerse ourselves in Europe’s vibrant fintech ecosystem, connect with industry leaders at Nexus2050 Luxembourg, and receive invaluable coaching to further our growth and innovation.

Thank You, Catapult SE Asia!

A big thank you to Catapult SE Asia for this incredible opportunity. We are excited to engage with the European fintech community, learn from the best in the industry, and collaborate with fellow ASEAN fintech trailblazers. Together, we can make magic happen! ✨

Stay Tuned for Updates

As we embark on this exciting adventure, we look forward to sharing our progress and experiences. Stay connected with us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and updates from BlueDuck.

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BlueDuck's Exciting Journey at Jiwa SME 2024 Event🎉

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The Jiwa SME 2024 event was a remarkable experience, and BlueDuck is thrilled to have been a part of it. This event, hosted by Astro Awani, provided a unique platform for businesses to connect, share insights, and explore new opportunities. We are immensely grateful to Astro Awani for the invitation and to everyone who joined us during this incredible event.

A Huge Thank You to Astro Awani

Firstly, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Astro Awani for hosting such a significant event. Your dedication to supporting SMEs is inspiring, and we are honored to have been included. Additionally, we want to express our gratitude to all the participants who attended and supported us. Your presence and engagement made the event truly special.

The Jiwa SME 2024 event was a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration. We had the opportunity to engage with industry leaders, exchange ideas, and gain valuable insights that will undoubtedly shape our future endeavors. The event was particularly beneficial for our Commercial Zero Deposit Program (ZDP), as we were able to share our vision and gather feedback from a diverse audience.

At BlueDuck, we are passionate about revolutionizing the property market. Our Commercial Zero Deposit Program (ZDP) is designed to create amazing opportunities for tenants and landlords alike. By eliminating the traditional security deposit, we aim to make renting more accessible and hassle-free for everyone involved.

Stay Tuned for More Updates

The journey doesn't end here! We have many exciting updates and opportunities in store for you. Stay tuned to our channels at Facebook and Instagram for the latest news and developments with BlueDuck.

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The Best Ways to Maximize Natural Light in Your Apartment

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Maximizing natural light in your apartment not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also contributes to a brighter, more inviting living space. For tenants in Malaysia, where sunlight is abundant but heat management is crucial, optimizing natural light can transform your apartment into a comfortable and energy-efficient environment. Here are practical tips to help you make the most of natural light in your Malaysian apartment:

1. Choose Light-Colored and Sheer Window Treatments

  • Light-Colored Curtains: Opt for light-colored curtains or blinds that allow sunlight to penetrate while maintaining privacy. Avoid heavy fabrics that block light.

  • Sheer Fabrics: Consider sheer curtains or blinds that diffuse sunlight, reducing glare and creating a soft, welcoming ambiance.

2. Utilize Mirrors Strategically

  • Place Mirrors Near Windows: Position mirrors opposite windows to reflect natural light deeper into the room. This technique not only brightens the space but also creates the illusion of a larger, more open area.

  • Use Mirrored Furniture: Incorporate mirrored furniture pieces like coffee tables or cabinets to amplify natural light and add a touch of elegance to your decor.

3. Opt for Light-Reflective Surfaces

  • Choose Glossy or Metallic Finishes: Select furniture, decor accents, and accessories with glossy or metallic finishes. These surfaces reflect natural light, brightening the room and enhancing its overall appeal.

  • Use Light-Colored Paint: Paint walls and ceilings in light, neutral shades to maximize light reflection and create a sense of airiness in your apartment.

4. Keep Windows Unobstructed

  • Avoid Heavy Window Coverings: Minimize obstruction to natural light by choosing window treatments that can be easily pulled back during the day. This allows sunlight to flood the room.

  • Trim Overhanging Foliage: If possible, trim foliage or plants outside your windows that may block sunlight from entering your apartment.

5. Strategically Place Furniture

  • Place Furniture Near Windows: Arrange furniture, such as seating areas or workspaces, near windows to take advantage of natural light. This not only brightens these areas but also reduces the need for artificial lighting during the day.

  • Opt for Open Shelving: Choose open shelving units instead of solid cabinets to maintain light flow throughout the room.

6. Enhance Natural Light with Plants

  • Choose Sun-Loving Plants: Incorporate indoor plants that thrive in sunlight, such as succulents or spider plants, near windows. Not only do plants enhance decor, but they also complement natural light by creating a vibrant and natural atmosphere.

7. Install Light-Enhancing Accessories

  • Use Light Bulbs Wisely: Select LED bulbs that mimic natural daylight for areas where additional lighting is needed. This ensures a consistent light quality that complements natural sunlight.

  • Consider Skylights or Light Tubes: For apartments with limited window access, consider installing skylights or light tubes to introduce natural light from above.


Enjoying a well-lit and comfortable living space doesn't have to come with a hefty security deposit. Choose zero deposit rental options offered by BlueDuck to enhance your apartment without the financial burden.

 Zero deposit options allow you to invest in creating a bright and inviting environment without tying up your savings upfront.

#NaturalLight #HomeTips #ZeroDeposit 

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